Starr v Paul & Ashley v Guy
Faced with the evidence you?d think a heavyset, tattooed guy like Paul would break glamour model Starr like a twig in any test of physical prowess, but in fact the opposite proves to the case, as this bouncy topless beauty climbs all over the big guy. Paul?s attempts at resistance are occasional and broadly futile as the hard-bod, round-breasted victrix repeatedly facesit and facesits him, clad only in a skimpy white thong. After 50 minutes of this humiliation Paul is understandably a broken man. In a 15-minute bonus match from the USA, another glamour girl, bikini babe Ashley humiliates a useless Guy in an apartment setting. ?You pull my hair and it?ll be the last thing you do,? she promises, headlocking him into control, then crushing the protesting, groaning male in various pins, locks and lengthy, ting facesits. Girl power is at its hottest in this title.
Comment: Beautiful girls from both sides of the Atlantic crush and humiliate male opponents.
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